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Primary Classes  2-4 year olds

    We emphasize the mighty works of God at this age level such as the Creation Act, the mighty power of God through the Redemption of Christ on the Cross, The bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Miracles of Christ.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is emphasized in all of our Sunday School Classes.

Juniors  5-8 year olds

   We build upon the foundation of God's Mighty works and move to His infallible Word. We emphasize the glory of the Word of God and the importance of obeying God's commands and rejoicing in His promises.

Pre-Teens  9-12 year olds

   We continue to emphasize the mighty Works of God and His blessed Word, but move on to explore the great claims that God has upon us through His Son Jesus Christ.

Teen Class  13-18 year olds

   Continuing to build upon the foundation of God's Mighty works, His precious Word - we seek to know His will through the study of Biblical Principles, the great doctrines of the faith, as well as of the necessity of serving the Lord in the church, Christian School, and in missions.

Adult Class

   In the Adult class expository teaching is used to study the books of the Bible as well as special themes and issues facing Biblical Christianity.