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Pastor - Pastor Brainard received his ministerial training at Santa Rosa Christian College, Bob Jones University, and Louisiana Baptist University. Pastor Brainard has served in pastoral ministry at Grace Bible Church of Milton, Florida since 1987. He has had the opportunity to travel to several foreign countries preaching God’s Word and encouraging missionaries and foreign Bible College students. In addition, he is currently President of Santa Rosa Christian School, Gospel Projects, Inc. (community Gospel outreach ministry), and Sunshine State Association of Christian Schools, Inc. In addition, he currently serves on the Board of Directors of the American Association of Christian Schools, Inc. Since 2007, he has served as the editor of the periodical, The Projector. Pastor Brainard and His wife, Beth, have four adult children.





Assistant Pastor - Dr. Adam Watt has served at Gospel Projects since 2005, working in both Grace Bible Church and Santa Rosa Christian School. At age 13, Dr. Watt answered the call to work in full time Christian ministry and began preparing to serve the Lord. His degrees include a Bachelor of Theology from Foundations Bible Theological Seminary and Master of Theological Studies from Louisiana Baptist Theological Seminary as well as both an Education Specialist and Doctor of Education degree in educational leadership from Pensacola Christian College. Dr. Watt serves as the assistant and youth pastor of Grace Bible Church, the secretary to the board of Gospel Projects, and the administrator of Santa Rosa Christian School. He and his wife Megan have four sons who also enjoy being a part of the ministry.



 Elder  -  Ludwig Opager not only teaches but also regularly contributes to the Projector as the author of  the column, "Proverb Practicals" and other varied articles.  He is a graduate of Illinois Institute of Technology and served the United States Navy as a Civil Engineer in Danang, Vietnam and Japan among other naval commands.  He and his wife, Nancy received Christ as their Savior in 1970.  Mr. Opager has served as the Adult Sunday School teacher of Grace Bible Church, Milton, Florida,  a Christian school teacher, and Business Administrator in the ministries of Grace Bible Church and Santa Rosa Christian School and continues to advise in financial and engineering matters. He had also continued his service to the U.S. Navy as Chief Engineer at Naval Air Station,  Whiting Field, Milton, Florida until his retirement in 1999.  For eighteen years, he and Nancy opened up their home to provide the Children's Christian Boarding Home, in order to afford many children an opportunity to attend Santa Rosa Christian School.    The Opager's have one son, three daughters, one grandson and four granddaughters.




Staff also includes Sunday School teachers for nursery and youth classes, as well as a Board of Trustees.